Heather A. Hoeksema ~ Author x Architect

Heather Hoeksema

Signed  Purchase $69      
Unsigned  Purchase $48      

* 'Chaco Papers' Only          

Heather HoeksemaHeather HoeksemaHEATHER HOEKSEMA

LICENSURE __________________________________
Architect / California, Colorado, Idaho, et al
LEED / Accreditated Professional

ACADEMY ___________________________________
Master of Arch II / SCIArc Gradauate Arch / '02
Master of Arch studies / Harvard's GSD / '98
Master of Arch studies / UVA Grad Arch / '95
Bachelor of Science, Arch / U of M Arch / '94
Pre Med course / Loyola University / '96

HONORS ____________________________________
Binda Scholarship / U of M Architecture / '92
Willeke Honors / U of M Architecture / '94

TEACHING ___________________________________
University of Southern CA / Arch Instructor / '08
Architectural Drawing
School of the Art Institute / Arch Instructor / '05
Interior Architecture, Designed Objects, Drawing
University of VA Arch / Teaching Assistant / '95
Understanding Architecture<
SCIArc / Teaching Assistant / '01
Object Making
CULTURE ___________________________________
Singing in Carnegie Hall / Singers Choir / '88
Yoga Teaching Assistantant / '08
Yoga Teaching Certification / '07
Women in Film Member / '12


Ms. Hoeksema is an architect and author; with a specialty focus in knowledge journalism. Her passion is her music. Her conceptual foundation is Nature. With extensive experience in the human sciences and cultural articulation, she has developed a precise methodoly for shaping environmental experience. Intuitively and intellectually, she integrates natural principles into analyses of humanist environments, past and present. Through a physiological understanding of fabricated place, she produces interactive experiences in which people engage in an experience of 'presence'. As a professional architect, she continues to produce work in various mediums relatable to international audiences.

She expanded her focus from health at the human scale to habitable environments, upon receiving a university scholarship in architecture. She is currently researching architectonic approaches to shaping places that align with prinicples of 'tonicity'; including generation of oxygen plus environments and waste free production processes. She is an experimental practitioner of 'experiential installation' in multiple mediums: drawing, textiles, recording as interactives asking people to engage.

During her younger years, she was an advanced student of calculus and chemistry. Her first year in architecture school, she drafted a well researched essay about the effects of maternity ward environments on birth outcomes, in contrast to home birth experience. In graduate school she was extricated from a team of three, in her structures class, for directing an analysis of the Tacoma Narrows bridge failure toward a humanist perspective about industrial civilization and consequences of rapid technology. These experiences and many others, led to her innovative approach toward shaping living environments, simultaneously scientific and philosophical.

Her ongoing balancing act between science and humanism eventually led to her pursuit of architecture, with a focus in natural science. She considered being a doctor upon completing her pre-med coursework. She chose a different path after sensing inherent contradictions between technological medicine and well being. Later in time, this sentiment guided her interest in healing environments. She graduated from SCIArc, as a Master of Architecture. She received an A+ in her college ballet class only as a consequence of a class paper she wrote.

The breadth of her experience includes roles on globally significant architectural projects (Music and Dance Theatre, Kaufmann Foundation, et al). She has worked with the likes of renowned architects including Eric Lloyd Wright and international ateliers. Through her private practice, she has been commissioned as an architect nationally for articulating cultural places and homes.

She has taught at a number of higher learning universities (School of Art Institute Chicago, University of Southern California, et al) in addition to modest public speaking and volunteer work with organizations like Rush Medical University and Free Arts for abused children. She chose to leave Harvard's Graduate School of Design after discovering inherent contraditions between ethics and teaching. She is founder of the in-progress entity 'Institute of Environmental Intellect' poised to offer an authentic approach to environmentally based research projects.

Her multidisciplinary 'architectonics' lab HHEAL has been active for over two decades. She has been involved in the practice and academia of environments for over 30 years. Recently she established the publishing entity 'Singular Architecture' which represents literary, cinematic, and musical essay compilations. Her current authored documentation includes audio-video recordings of 'archaeotonic' events in the ancient ruins of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico and her related book 'Chaco Papers: Volume I'.

Her published works include architecture, books, music, and cinema. She currently composes writing, musical verse, montage, et al in various genre including stories and critiques. She produced her first singer songwriter album and toured nationally in 2019, performing intimate concerts. Her second music album 'My Tessitura' is in progress. Her work on Chaco Canyon is accompanied by a series of scientific theory titled 'Sineverse Proofs'. Her related talks integrate ideas about natural science, culture, and architectonics translating transcendentally between cosmic and human scales of life.

Ms. Hoeksema was born in Phoenix, in a Federal Native American hospital. Her delivering physician was Dr. Childs. With her birth came a heart murmur. Though she was blessed with indigenous caregivers, syncing her rhythms into place. She almost drowned in a pool during this first year of life. Her parents then moved to the midwest with artifacts from her caregivers; an Indian doll and papoose.

Raised by an orthopedic surgeon and gallery connoisseur, she learned early on to translate between objective thinking and subjective intellect. She often found herself resonating between the two, at times lingering in suspense. She played the piano for years, her most memorable moment a concert trio of 'Canon in D'. She also had the fascinating experience of singing with a choir in Carnegie Hall. This later inspired her to shape places that give people voice.

Her grandmothers cared for her grandfathers. Her mother's mother left the eighth grade to care for her dying sister. Her father's mother kept boxes of journals. Her mother's father started his own electric company after being shot during WWII. Her father's father was a navy man and doctor of organic chemistry. They worked hard for what they earned; respected people and environments around them. They had character.

Living in many regions of the states, she often found herself observing more than producing for fear of being wasteful. Working, thinking, teaching, writing, she continuous montaged her experiences together. She had two dogs as she navigated across the country. The first one Tess, bit her mom on the head. The second, Dozer, chewed up her Indian doll. As a child, her dog Brandy was her best friend. She thinks patriarchal religion, unbridled, will mathematically lead to human extinction. So she has been fabricating a healing labyrinth. Along the way, she has learned the value of life. She has also learned the significance of freedom.



Heather A. Hoeksema ~ Author x Architect

Arches National Park ~ Skyline Arch, 2019

Author   x   Architect
                                              ... of drawing experience

(Contact HH@HHEAL.COM To Access)

Heather Hoeksema Chaco Canyon

   $102  Purchase Signed
             $64  Purchase Unsigned    

* 'Chaco Papers' & 'Sineverse' Together

~ Cover / Soft, Fold Out Color Photos ~
~ Interior / BW, Author Illustrations ~
~ Sizes / 10.5 x 7 & 6.5 x 4 ~
~ Print / Eco & Acid Free ~
~ Shipping / June, July ~

Details: SingularArchitecture.com

Past Touring


Select Editorial Features x Photo Records


*Square pictures enlarge

/ BIO /

Hoeksema sang in Carnegie Hall with a choir once, when she was young.
Then she became an architect, fabricating places to give others voice.
She now fabricates experience intiated by sound of her own.

* Visit HHeal.com for architecture works
* Visit SA Publishing for publications

Heather Hoeksema

Heather Hoeksema

Heather Hoeksema

Heather Hoeksema

Heather Hoeksema

Heather Hoeksema

Heather Hoeksema

Heather Hoeksema

Heather Hoeksema

Heather Hoeksema

Heather Hoeksema

* Above are some select examples of Hoeksema's past work that convey basic principles of for shaping the
Interactive Experience